No matter what a logo looks like, logo redesign is usually inevitable — whether because of the passage of time, new trends in the industry, rebranding, or changes within the company. In this case, a gaming startup called DragonMaster Flash had come up with a rather simple logo, and wanted something a bit edgier that better represented the game. The game is based in a post-apocalyptic world where genetically engineered dragons have taken over, and there is only one person who has the ability to fight them. The hero in this case, is a suave dude that looks like Shaft and has a big afro and colorful fighting gear. This was their current logo:

Not only does it closely resemble the Japanese flag, it just doesn’t say “action video game” The font is boring, the kind you would find in a book or an academic paper, and I can’t really see the purpose of the red circle in the center. The company said they wanted something to represent the game. The first thing I thought was, “Why isn’t there a dragon?”.
The other feeling I wanted to convey was post apocalyptic, and I decided to use the font to convey that feeling. I decided on a font called “Birth of a Hero” (fitting, don’t you think?), which had a funky, yet distorted look to it. I thought that the color red was a good addition, but I didn’t want it to be overwhelming, so I made parts of the dragon red. In addition, I shaped the dragon like an “S”, so that it could be part of the word and not necessarily a side distraction. Lastly, I wanted to convey the disco-funk coolness of the hero, so I made a colorful gradient for the word “Flash. See the new logo below:

The company was very happy with the end product, and it looks great on their product!