Weather is getting crazier, the entire West coast seems to burn up every summer and last year was 2020, so I don't think I need to explain why disaster is something we need to prepare for. Most businesses, however, usually just rely on insurance without thinking about other aspects of their business that may not be recoverable after a major disaster. Employees can be an asset or a liability in emergencies, and much of this depends on your disaster plan and how well you've prepared them for such an event.
I would provide a checklist here, but nothing that I can do compare with the extensive checklists and information available on the U.S. Small Business Administration's Prepare for Emergencies page. The information and resources there are excellent, and you'll find answers galore here. From disaster planning to recovery and loan information, there is a lot of useful information here. Plus, they have downloadable PDFs of Disaster Preparedness Checklists for Earthquakes, Floods, Winter Weather, Wildfires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Cyber Security.
Stay safe out there!